MUSM - System Parameter Maintenance

New features added, version 8.5.1


See Also Programs


Program MUSM, System Parameter Maintenance, is used to enter and maintain the operating system, machine name, and time out minutes for the terminal.

For web-powered applications, this program determines the system paths for NDS standard programs and custom programs. The entries in this program override the registry entries for web-powered applications. Client/server applications will continue to use the client registry entries.


Entering System Parameters

1. In the Operating System field, enter the name of the operating system.

2. In the Machine Name field, enter the machine name.

3. In the Time Out Mins field, enter the number of time out minutes. The time out minutes are the number of minutes that a terminal can be inactive before the log-in password must be re-entered.

4. In the Login Attempts Allowed field, enter the number of times that the user can enter an incorrect password before the application is automatically closed. For example, if you entered 3 in this field, and the user entered the wrong password 3 times when logging into NDS, the application would be closed automatically after the third failed attempt.

5. In the Web Reports Style pop-list, select the default format for NDS reports to be printed in. This setting will be used only when there is not a DesFormat defined for the printer in MUPM, Printer Definition Maintenance. Choices are:

6. Press [Commit].



Viewing and Maintaining Reports Paths

1. In the past, the standard and custom reports paths were also defined in MUSM. As of version 85R1, these are maintained in the server configuration file.

2. There may be times when you want to temporarily override the path set in the configuration file without having to update this file (which requires a reboot of the application server).

3. To view and update these fields, press the Key image\ebx_1671547104.gif icon on the toolbar.

4. This will cause the additional fields to display temporarily.

5. In the NDS Code REPORTS root directory field, enter the location on the Forms Server where your standard NDS report is located. For example: D:\NDS7\

7. In the Custom REPORTS root directory field, enter the directory on the Forms Server where your custom NDS report is located. For example: D:\NDS7\mycompany\custom\. The report must be marked in MUJM as custom for the report to use this path.

8. Enter the Path Delimiter field. This is the character entered in the above two fields that indicates a changed in directory. For example, in D:\NDS7\mycompany\custom\, \ is the path delimiter.

9. It is very important that you reverse these settings once your report location override is no longer needed.