CMSU - Mail Label Selector

New features added, version 7.5.2, 7.5.3, 8.1

See Also Programs

Program CMSU, Mail Label Selector, is used to select customers, prospects, and/or contacts from the mail to records for any user-defined purpose, such as custom reporting, or creating a CSV file for mass mailings. This program affects the Selected flag, the Send Mass Mail flag, and the Send Catalog flag for the customers, prospects, and/or contacts.

See the Default Settings and Set Up for program CMSU, Mail Label Selector section of program MURM, Initialization Parameter Maintenance, to set up default settings and define program behavior for this program.


See Also

Synchronization of Records for Customers/Prospects/Contacts/Mail Addresses

Creating Selections for Updating Flags

Setting and Clearing Flags

Exporting Selections to Export Table

Exporting Selections to CSV Files

CMSU Action Buttons


Synchronization of Records for Customers/Prospects/Contacts/Mail Addresses

This program is dependent upon synchronization with the Mass Mail flag, the Selected flag, and the Mail Class in the following programs:

When changes are made to records in these programs, or when new records are added, the updates are added to a separate table that is used to synchronize the settings when this program is run. This is to allow speedy performance in this program, as synchronization of the actual tables takes a long time. Not all changes are added to the synchronization table. Records are added to the synchronization table under the following conditions.

Synchronization is automatic when the following parameters are set in program MURM, Initialization Parameter Maintenance. Once automatic synchronization in performed, the synchronization table is cleared for new entries.

Manual synchronization can also be performed. You can update the master programs with the settings in this program, or you can update this program with the settings from the master programs.

Creating Selections for Updating Flags

1. In the upper block, selection criteria that will apply to the entire selection is entered.

2. In the Creating Selection Of pop-list, select the records for which you are making a selection to update flags. Choices are:

3. In the Creating Selection For pop-list, select which flags will be updated. Choices are:

4. In the Attention field, enter the attention line to be entered on labels when there is only one label per company.

5. In the Mail Class pop-list, select the mailing class that will be assigned to the selected records. Choices are defined in program MCMM, Mail Class Maintenance.

6. In the Catalog ID field, enter the catalog ID that will be sent to the selected customer/prospects/contacts for which the Send Catalog flag is set to on.

7. In the Criteria Name field, enter the user-defined name to be used for this set of selection criteria.

6. Set the One Label per Mail Address ID flag to the desired setting. When this flag is set to on, only the primary contact for a customer or prospect mail address will have the flags updated.

7. There are three more tabs on this screen for selection criteria. Depending upon the setting of the Creating Selection Of pop-list, you will need to update one or more of these sections with selection criteria.