Getting Started in Xephr

  1. First, Xephr is installed on a server.  For more information on installation and requirements for installation, click here. This server will be the location from which Xephr is accessed, from which the Xephr studio is accessed, and from which Xephr Runtime is accessed.  

  2. Once the installation is complete, a database to contain the Xephr metadata must exist.  This is a separate database that will contain all of the definitions for the Xephr objects that are created.  The database is then assigned to Xephr as a Xephr repository in the Xephr Administration Console.

  3. Then a virtual host must be created.  Xephr hosts identify the connection string used in the web browser to connect to the Xephr repositories.  The host is assigned a Xephr repository in the Xephr Administration Console.  

  4. At this point, you can access your virtual host, and open the Xephr Studio, which is the application in which you define your Xephr objects in your repository.  However, you need at least one datasource from which data will be displayed in your Xephr objects.  A datasource defines a database user from which the data will be displayed.  This is the database in which your business data is contained.  A repository must be assigned a default datasource before Xephr objects can be run from that repository.  Although you need at least one, multiple datasources can be defined and used within a repository.

  5. Once you have your Xephr installed, one repository set up, one virtual host set up, and one datasource assigned to your repository, you can begin creating your Xephr objects.

  1. For examples on creating Xephr objects, see the Examples section of the documentation..

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