New Features in Xephr 2.2

Administration Console

Administration console is now available through the web from the server.

Ability to restart the Xephr service from the console.

Ability to change server settings from the console, including the HTTP port, amount of RAM, location of uploaded files, export directory, and backup directory.

Ability to setup a daily backup of the Xephr repositories.

Ability to view connection metrics, system metrics, and session metrics for performance monitoring.

Ability to view Xephr logs.


Additional Database types added as datasource options.  Some Xephr services also included.  

Datasources can now come from the following database types:
Microsoft SQL Server
Oracle 9i
Microsoft Excel (via DSN-less ODBC)
Microsoft Access (via DSN-less ODBC)
Generic ODBC (using DSN)
Local Xephr QED Database

The following Xephr services are also datasource options.
Xephr Menus
Xephr User Maintenance

Added date conversion definitions by datasource.

Database columns to ignore and to pass through are defined by datasource.


For screen and report blocks, added Wrap at Column property.  Enter the number of records to be returned horizontally on the report before a line break is inserted and the next set is output on the next row.

For screen blocks, added Form is for QBE/New property. The setting of this pop-list determines whether the query will be performed and rows returned to the block.  

Added Xephr Service blocks to all entities to allow access to Xephr Service datasources.

Added parameter form blocks for data exchanges, spreadsheets, and XML documents.

New block type: Bread Crumb.  


Added parameter forms for data exchanges, spreadsheets, and XML documents.

Added Required Globals property for all entity types to list the global variables that are required to be set in order for the entity to run properly. If the entity is run, and some or all of these globals are missing, the entity will not be run.

Added Required Roles property for all entity types to list the roles of which at least one must be assigned to the user in order for the user to run an entity.  If the entity is run and the user is not assigned one of the required roles, the entity will not be run.

New entity type: Converter.

In version 2.2.67-build:2,671, added the ability to send a report straight to the printer.  Added Print to the Results Disposition property for Reports to allow the report to be generated and sent straight to a defined printer.  When this value is selected, the Default Printer property is displayed.  Enter the default printer to which the results will be sent.  The printer name entered must be the exact printer name on the machine on which the report is run.  For shared network printers, it should be entered as the network path to the printer, such as //server/printer_name.


Added new field display as options for screens and parameter forms: Client Date fields, Client Date Time fields, Upload File fields, Reset Button fields, and Object fields.

Removed List of Values field type and HRef Link field type.  List of values and Hyperlinks are able to be added to appropriate fields without having to define them as a specific type.  Types now only include Currency, Date (only), Date and Time, Numeric, and Text.

Added Auto Value Type property to many field types.

Added Search Characteristics property for fields on QBE screens, allowing users to search with or without wildcards and with or without case sensitivity.

Added Use Image Size property for image fields, allowing images to be sized by the user or by the uploaded file size.

Upload File Fields have two purposes.  
1. Store files (documents, images, etc.) that are provided by the user on the server, .  Associate the records in the database and retrieve on demand.
2. Populate defined editable list with data in the file.  Offer to user for change and save.


New Format Mask Objects used to define the format masks and the field types to which they can be assigned.

Created On and Modified On property added to all Xephr objects.

Added ability for Xephr to accept user-defined javascript functions.

Ability to recognize proxy servers.

Lists of Values

List of values display has changed to html format.

Size, style, and number of rows displayed at a time are definable.

New List of Values Creation Wizard.

Allows paging through the list with the page navigator, first, next, previous,and last.

Allows XML entity to be used as the list of value's source.


Added execution mode to menu link definition.


Added Login Entity property to define the entity used to log into the Xephr Runtime, when user authentication is required.  Used in Xephr authentication environments.

Added Welcome Entity property to define the name of the entity to display when the user is authenticated, no other authentication is required, and no other entity is specified.  In other words, when users log in, this is the screen displayed if there is no Start Page defined for the user, or if the xephr instance does not require users to log in.  Used in single-sign on environments.

Added Compress Javascript property to define whether the Xephr functions in the entity source will be compressed into one line to decrease the bandwidth used by the entity.

Added the Use Verbose Errors property to define whether errors occurring during runtime. will be displayed in their entirety when the desired setting.  

Added the Copyright property to allow the user to enter their own copyright text to be included in the meta tags for the html generated by the Xephr server.

Added default List of Values property settings for width, height, and number of rows returned per page for lists of values.

Added properties to determine whether the Xephr instance allows user coded javascript and styles.

Pocket Xephr

Pocket Xephr is a version of Xephr that runs entities on Symbol Pocket PC hand-held devices.  


XML entities can be published as Xephr Interconnect and/or standard web services.  Web services can be discovered and the WSDL extracted.  Interconnect publications are for Xephr internal use only.

In both cases, the service may require SSL, may be read only, and always require a user to be defined as the 'run as' user.  When executing, the environment of the 'run as' user is used.


Xephr® security is a combination of roles, policies, and users.

Policies determine what access a user has to the various aspects of Xephr, including Xephr Studio and Xephr objects.  Policies can be assigned to both users and roles.  Users have access to the Xephr Runtime simply by being created.

Roles are used to define the policies, database log ins, and global variables that are assigned by default to a user, enabling the creation of a standard set of defaults for different types of users.

Users are assigned roles and policies which determine their access to the different aspects of Xephr.  Xephr users are also assigned global variables to determine default values, and database log-ins to determine which database-specific user is logging into the datasource.  For more information, see the Users section.  


Added Format Mask, Paper Size, User, Global, DB Login, and Upload Resource File to list of new objects able to be created from the File/New menu.

Added Format Mask button, User button, Global button, DB Login button, Upload File button, and Paper Size button to the main toolbar.

Errors in objects are colored bright pink instead of using an asterisk (*).

Advanced settings for connecting to a repository includes proxy server settings.


Split Field Style into editable field style and non-editable field style.  The style applied to buttons is now also user-defined.

List of values styles are assigned at the entity level.

Xephr is a registered trademark of NDS Systems, LC.

Copyright © 2007 NDS Systems LC.