Xephr® Repository

Repository information is set up initially during installation.  It can be maintained using the Xephr Administrator Console.  Some information can be modified within the Xephr studio.

A Xephr repository is the database in which the Xephr metadata (the instructions telling Xephr what to do) is stored.  A database or database user is created to contain the repository tables and indexes.  Then, using the administrator console, the database user and password is assigned as a repository.  This repository is then associated with a host as the default repository.  A host can only be assigned one repository, but a repository can be assigned to multiple hosts.

A repository can be created from one of the following database types:

Modifying Repository Settings

  1. In the Explorer Tree, expand select the Repository Configuration object.

  2. Display the repository properties.  These will either be displayed in Alphabetical or Logically, depending on the setting of the [Sort Alphabetically/Logically] button.  The following instructions are assuming that the properties are sorted logically.

  3. In the Default Datasource property, select the default datasource for this Xephr instance.  In the datasource hierarchy, this is the datasource that is used when no other datasource is assigned at any level to an entity or object.  The default datasource must be valid.  

  4. In the Default Papersize property, select the default papersize for reports and report templates.  When the papersize pop-list is loaded, this is the papersize that is selected by default.

  5. In the Session Timeout (minutes) property, enter the number of minutes for which a runtime session for this repository is active, if there has been no activity in that session, before the user has to log in again.  The number of minutes entered here cannot be greater than 240 (4 hours), which is the server setting for session time outs.

  6. In the Login Entity property, enter the name of the entity used to log into the Xephr Runtime.  This is the name of your log in screen.

  7. In the Welcome Entity property, enter the name of the entity to display to the user when the user is authenticated, no other authentication is required, and no other entity is specified.  In other words, when users log in, this is the screen displayed if there is no Start Page defined for the user, or if the Xephr instance does not require users to log in.

  8. Set the Compress Javascript property to the desired setting.  When set to true, the Xephr functions in the entity source will be compressed into one line to decrease the bandwidth used by the entity.  When set to false, the Xephr functions are expanded in the source to allow them to be read more easily.

  9. Set the Use Verbose Errors property to the desired setting.  When set to true, when errors occur during runtime, they will be displayed in their entirety.  When set to false, a more simplified error message announcing that an error has occurred will be displayed, but the error will not.

  10. In the Copyright property, enter the copyright text to be included in the meta tags for the html generated by the Xephr server.

    <META NAME="copyright" CONTENT="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx">

  11. In the Executable XML Commit Size property, enter how many rows at a time are committed to the database when doing bulk inserts with Executable XML blocks on XML Documents.

  12. In the Default LOV Width property, enter the default width for the list of values screens that are opened from fields on screens and parameter forms.

  13. In the Default LOV Height property, enter the default height for the list of values screens that are opened from fields on screens and parameter forms.

  14. In the Default LOV Page Size property, enter the default number of rows returned in the list of values screens that are opened from fields on screens and parameter forms.

  15. Set the Use Common User Javascript property to true or false.  When set to true, the Xephr repository will recognize user-defined javascript functions stored in the _common.js file in the templates/userdefined/javascript folder of your Xephr install.  See the User Javascript Functions section for more information.

    If you set this property to true, you should verify that this file exists or your logs will show errors about the missing files.

  16. Set the Use Repository User Javascript property to true or false.  When set to true, the Xephr repository will recognize user-defined javascript functions stored in the repository_name.js file (where repository_name is the name of your repository) in the templates/userdefined/javascript folder of your Xephr install. See the User Javascript Functions section for more information.

    If you set this property to true, you should verify that this file exists or your logs will show errors about the missing files.

  17. Set the Use Common User Styles property to true or false.  When set to true, the Xephr repository will recognize user-defined styles stored in the _common.css file in the templates/userdefined/styles folder of your Xephr install.  See the User Styles section for more information.

    If you set this property to true, you should verify that this file exists or your logs will show errors about the missing files.

  18. Set the Use Repository User Styles property to true or false.  When set to true, the Xephr repository will recognize user-defined styles stored in the repository_name.css file (where repository_name is the name of your repository) in the templates/userdefined/styles folder of your Xephr install.  See the User Styles section for more information.

    If you set this property to true, you should verify that this file exists or your logs will show errors about the missing files.

  19. In the Default Screen Row Limit property, enter the default number of rows returned on screen database blocks.

  20. In the Default Report Row Limit property, enter the default number of rows returned on report database blocks.

  21. In the Bad Browser Page property, enter the name of the entity that should be displayed when the browser that is being used to access an entity in this Xephr repository is included in the Bad Browser List property.  This entity should have the HTML Output Only property set to true and should include no scripted links.

  22. In the Bad Browser List property, enter the list of browsers that cannot be used to run the entities in this Xephr repository.  If a browser included in this list is used to access an entity in this repository, the Bad Browser Page entity will be displayed instead.  The bad browser list can include a specific browser, such as LYNX or a version of a browser, such as MSIE 3.0.

  23. The Created On property displays the date on which the repository was created.

  24. The Modified On property displayed the date on which the repository configuration was last modified.

  25. When all changes have been made, press the [Save] button in the Main Toolbar.

    If you have problems saving the Repository Configuration after you assign a default datasource to it, check the datasource settings.  The datasource must function and bring up a list of database objects for it to be assigned to the Repository Configuration.  

Xephr is a registered trademark of NDS Systems, LC.

Copyright © 2007 NDS Systems LC.