Database Procedure Calls

Sometimes database procedures need to be accessed from the Xephr® entities. To create a database procedure call, first determine the needed database procedure, and then determine the package name in which it is located.

Once you have this information, determine the variables that need to be passed to the database procedure.

Procedures return multiple values where a function only returns one.

The procedure definition might look something like this:

procedure tender_cash(t_order_in           in varchar2,

                      t_tendered_in        in varchar2,

                      t_change_in          in out varchar2,

                      t_change_string      in out varchar2);

All variables with an 'in' in them need to be passed to the procedure.

Those with an 'in out' need to be passed in and returned from the procedure, so they will need to have the value passed in and returned to the same field on the block.

Hyperlinks and Xephr functions should always use single quotes ( ' ) instead of double quotes ( " ).

Create the database procedure call as follows:

  1. When creating this link, the Hyperlink To field will contain the function call, and the Hyperlink Scripted pop-list needs to be set to true.

  2. Start with the word CallProcedure

  3. Add an open parenthesis (

  4. Enter the package name in which the database procedure is defined followed by a period followed by the database procedure name, in quotes, followed by a comma.  package_name.procedure',

  5. For each variable listed that must be passed to the procedure, enter the code to obtain the field value that will be passed followed by a comma $$BLOCK.FIELD$$, or $$BLOCK.FIELD.first$$,

  1. For each variable listed that must be passed in and returned from the procedure, enter the code to obtain the field value that will be passed in.  The reference begin with the + character, so that the database call knows to return the value to the defined field and will be followed by a comma $$+BLOCK.FIELD$$, or $$+BLOCK.FIELD.first$$,

  1. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for any additional variables and values that you are passing.  The final value will NOT be followed by a comma.

  2. When all values have been entered, add a close parenthesis )

  3. Always close with a semi-colon ;

As an example, when calculating the change to return to a customer on the sales_order entity, call the database procedure tender_cash, which is located in the package proc_pos.sql.

The database procedure looks like this:

procedure tender_cash(t_order_in           in varchar2,

                      t_tendered_in        in varchar2,

                      t_change_in          in out varchar2,

                      t_change_string      in out varchar2);

Which means that t_order_in, t_tendered_in, t_change_in, and t_change_string are passed in, and t_change_in and t_change_string will be returned from the procedure to fields on the block.





CallProcedure('proc_pos.tender_cash', $$ORDER_HEADER.ORDER_NO$$, $$ORDER_HEADER.AMT_TENDERED$$,




Xephr function

package_name.database function

Value of t_order_in variable in block.field format from the ORDER_NO field in the ORDER_HEADER block

Value of t_tendered_in variable in block.field format from the AMT_TENDERED field in the ORDER_HEADER block

Value of t_change_in variable in block.field format from the CHANGE_GIVEN field in the ORDER_HEADER block

Value of t_change_string variable in block.field format from the CHANGE_STRING field in the ORDER_HEADER block







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