
Web Browser

The web browser that you wish to user by default for your Xephr® screens is set up under the Preferences menu by selecting Web Browser.  The following screen is displayed.

Without an entry defined here, you cannot run Xephr screens.  If Microsoft Internet Explorer is installed on your computer, and no browser is specified when you start up Xephr, the Microsoft Internet Explorer entry will be created automatically and assigned as the Default Browser.

To create a new browser entry:

  1. Press the [New] button.

  2. In the Name field, enter the name of the browser.

  3. In the Location field, enter the location of the file used to run the browser.

  1. If you wish to make the browser the default browser for running Xephr screens, set the Default Browser flag to on.

  2. When you have finished, press the [Done] button.

  3. To delete a browser, press the [Delete] button.

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