Designer Tool

The Designer Tool is a graphical representation of the layout of the object with which you are working.  It provides a realistic representation of how the object will look to the users and allows you to manipulate the fields and blocks in the form manually, using mouse clicks and drags.  

Opening the Designer Tool

To open the Designer Tool for an object, right click on the object and select Show Designer Frame from the Right-Click Menu.  The Designer Tool will be displayed.

Designer Toolbar

The designer toolbar is located at the top of the Designer Tool.  The buttons and pop-lists on this toolbar assist in the manipulation of the objects selected within the designer tool.  When a button is grayed out on the toolbar, that means that the functionality of that button is not available for the selected object.

Left Justify : When multiple objects are selected, press this button to line up the left sides of the objects with the left side of the object that was first selected.  This is a vertical alignment.

Center Justify : When multiple objects are selected, press this button to line up the middle of the objects with the middle of the object first selected.  This is a vertical alignment.

Right Justify : When multiple objects are selected, press this button to line up the right side of the objects with the right side of the object first selected.  This is a vertical alignment.

Top Align :  When multiple objects are selected, press this button to line up the top of the objects with the top of the first object selected.  This is a horizontal alignment.

Center Align :  When multiple objects are selected, press this button to line up the center of the objects with the center of the first object selected.  This is a horizontal alignment.

Bottom Align :  When multiple objects are selected, press this button to line up the bottom of the objects with the bottom of the first object selected. This is a horizontal alignment.

Horizontal Stack : When multiple objects are selected, press this button to stack the objects horizontally.  This means that the objects will be laid out horizontally on the screen, starting with the one on the far right, each object placed with its right edge even with the left edge of the object to the left of it..

Vertical Stack : When multiple objects are selected, press this button to stack the objects vertically.  This means that the objects will be laid out vertically on the screen, starting with the one at the top, each object placed with its top edge even with the bottom edge of the object above it.

Horizontal Distribution : When multiple objects are selected, press this button to distribute the objects horizontally.  This means that the objects will be laid out horizontally on the screen.  The horizontal distance between the first object and last object is calculated and used to determine where each object will be placed.  Then, each object is placed at an equal distance from the object to its left.  The object on the far left and the object on the far right are not moved.

Vertical Distribution : When multiple objects are selected, press this button to distribute the objects vertically.  This means that the objects will be laid out vertically on the screen.  The vertical distance between the first object and last object is calculated and used to determine where each object will be placed.  Then, each object is placed at an equal distance from the object above it.  The top object and the bottom object are not moved.

Zoom In : Press this button to zoom into the Designer Tool view, displaying a smaller section of the entity at once.  

Zoom Out : Press this button to zoom out of the Designer Tool view, displaying a larger section of the entity at once.

Zoom Percentage : Change the setting of this pop-list to zoom in or out of the Designer Tool view, displaying less or more of the entity at one time.

Select Parent : When a sub-object is selected on the Designer Tool, press this button to select the object's parent object.  For example, if you had a field selected and you pressed this button, the block to which the field belonged would be selected.

View Mode : Change the setting of this pop-list to change the mode in which you are viewing the entity.  This pop-list also allows you to view the break blocks and automatic total blocks.

Designer Tool Rulers

There are rulers at the top and left of the entity displayed in the Designer Tool.  These rulers show the size of the entity, blocks, and fields in the measurements for that entity.  For screen entities, the measurement is always pixels.  For report entities, the measurement is defined at the entity level as inches, millimeters, or pixels.

Selecting Objects

To select an object in the Designer Tool, left-click on the object, which will change the color of the outline of the object to red.  The properties for the object will be displayed in the Property Sheet and the object will be highlighted in the Explorer Tree.

Moving Fields and Blocks

The layout and location of the fields and blocks can be changed in the Designer Tool.  To move a field or block, left-click on the desired object, hold the left mouse button down, and drag the object to the desired location.



Some rules apply to moving fields and blocks:

Locking and Unlocking Layouts

The layout of an object can be locked or unlocked using the [Lock/Unlock] button in the upper left corner of the Designer Tool.  This feature allows fields and blocks to be selected without having to worry about accidentally moving them.

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Copyright © 2007 NDS Systems LC.