Uploaded Files

Located within the Explorer Tree, the Uploaded Files objects are used to define the files that have been uploaded to be used within entities during Xephr® development and runtime.  You cannot modify existing uploaded files.

For information on adding images to a block, see the Adding Fields and Image Fields sections.

To view an uploaded image, select the image and click on the [Preview] button.  The image will be displayed in the Preview Pane.

Uploading Files

  1. In the Explorer Tree, click on the Uploaded Files Information object to select it.

  2. Right click on the Uploaded Files Information object to display the right-click menu.  Hold your cursor over the New option, and when the sub-menu is displayed, drag your cursor over the Image option.

  3. The Open screen will be displayed to allow you to select the file that you wish to upload.

  4. In the File Name field, enter the location and the name of the file that you wish to upload.

  1. When the desired file has been selected, press the Open button.

  2. The file has been uploaded and can be referenced in image fields.

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