Upload File Fields

There are two kinds of uploaded files: those that are uploaded for storage on the Xephr Server and those that are uploaded for processing by another entity.  In both cases, the File Upload tool is used for the upload.  This tool is accessed with the Upload File field.

The Upload File field performs three functions:

The function of the upload file field is determined by whether the field is a database field and whether it represents a new row on the database field.

When a file is uploaded using the File Upload tool, the files are stored in the location identified in the Xephr Administrator Console as the Location of Uploaded Files.

Requirements for Processing Files using an Entity

When processing uploaded files using an entity, certain criteria must be met.

Included in this section:

Database Upload File Fields

  1. In the Explorer Tree, locate the field that you wish to modify.

  1. Modify the field properties.  These will either be displayed in Alphabetical or Logically, depending on the setting of the [Sort Alphabetically/Logically] button.  The following instructions are assuming that the properties are sorted logically.

  2. In the Name property, the name assigned to the field when it was created will be displayed.  It can be changed, if desired.

  3. In the Description property, enter a user-defined description for this field.

  4. In the Type pop-list, select the desired field type.  Choices are:

  1. In the From Database pop-list, select true if the field value will be taken from the database.  Select false if the field value will be user-defined.  

    See the Non-Database File Upload Fields section if this property is set to false.

  2. In the Size property, enter the database character size for this field.  

  3. In the Key Field pop-list, select true if this field is a primary key for the table/view.  Select false if the field is not a primary key for the table/view.

  4. In the From Query pop-list, verify that the correct query block is displayed in this field.  This is the block in which the query includes the column from which the data for this field will be obtained.  It is used in conjunction with the From Column pop-list.  Only visible database fields have this property.

  5. In the From Column pop-list, verify that the correct column is displayed in this field.  This is the column in the query defined in the From Query property from which the data for this field will be obtained.  The value in this field can be changed to another column from the same query.  Only visible database fields have this property.

  1. In the Default Value property, if this field will have a default value on New and QBE screens, enter the value here.  Only visible database fields have this property.  See the Default Values for Fields section for more information.  

  2. Set the Required pop-list to true if an entry must be made in this field before the entity can be updated.  Select false if an entry is not required in the field.  

  3. Set the Visible pop-list to true if the field will be displayed on the entity.  Select false if the field will be included on the entity, but not displayed.  

    Data in invisible database fields will update to the database during runtime, as long as the field is included on the block (i.e. the On Edit flag is set to true and the update is occurring in edit mode.)

  4. In the Display As property, select Upload File for this field.

  5. In the Display File As property, select Link or Image to determine how the file will be displayed on the block.  

  6. In the Use New Window property, select true or false to determine whether the uploaded file will be opened in a new window when the link is selected.

  7. In the Auto Save property, if the file should be saved into the database automatically after upload, set this pop-list to true.  If the user will need to save the contents after upload, set this pop-list to false.

  8. In the Field Style pop-list, select the style to be used for this field on this block on this screen. If set to (from parent), the default field style for the block will be used.  Only visible fields have this property.

  9. In the Display Only pop-list, select true if the data for this field will only be displayed as text on the screen and cannot be modified.  Select false if the data in this field should be displayed as a field.  Only visible fields have this property.

  10. In the Editability property, select the setting that determines whether the data in the field will be editable.  Only visible fields have this property.

    Always Editable: the data in this field will be displayed in a form field, and can be modified.

    Editable on New Only: the data in this field will be displayed in a form field and can be modified on New pages only.

    Never Editable: the data in this field will be displayed in a form field, but cannot be modified.

  11. In the Tool Tip property, enter the data to be displayed when the user hovers over this field with the mouse.  

    Normally used for images, when the user hovers over the field in the browser with the mouse, the data entered here is displayed.  Although offered for all field types, the browser on which the user is running the entity on will determine whether the tool tip is displayed for field types other than image.

    When a field is required, and not entered, the entry in the tool tip is displayed as the field identifier when the required message is displayed.  For example, if the column name was CUST_NO and the tool top for the column was Customer Number, the required message displayed would be "Customer Number is a required field."  If the tool tip was blank, the required message displayed would be "CUST_NO is a required field".

  12. In the Filename Column property, select the column in the database block that contains the file name for the uploaded file.

  13. In the Process using Entity property, if the contents of the uploaded file will be processed by an entity during upload, select the entity.

  14. In the Requests Focus pop-list, if this field is the field in which the cursor should start when the screen opens, select true. Otherwise, select false.  

    Only one field on the block should have this pop-list set to true.  If multiple fields are set to true, the entity generator determines at random the field that is selected first. .  Only visible fields have this property.

  1. In the Auto Value Type pop-list, select the desired setting for generating the value for this field.  Auto value generation is only available for key fields on new records with no other default values defined.  Choices are:
    Function Generated
    Not automatic
    Sequence Generated

  2. If the Auto Value Type pop-list is set to Function Generated or Sequence Generated, in the Auto Value From field, enter the function or sequence from which the value is generated.

  3. In the On QBE pop-list, select true to include this field on the screen in QBE mode.  Select false to prevent the field from being displayed on the QBE page.

    When this pop-list is grayed out, it indicates that the On QBE pop-list has been set to false at the block level.  It must be set to true at the block level to be able to be changed here.  

  4. In the On New pop-list, select true to include this field on the screen in New mode.  Select false to prevent the field from being displayed in New mode.

    When this pop-list is grayed out, it indicates that the On New pop-list has been set to false at the block level.  It must be set to true at the block level to be able to be changed here.  

  5. In the On List pop-list, select true to include this field on the screen in List mode.  Select false to prevent the field from being displayed in List mode.

    When this pop-list is grayed out, it indicates that the On List pop-list has been set to false at the block level.  It must be set to true at the block level to be able to be changed here.  

  6. In the On Edit pop-list, select true to include this field on the screen in Edit mode.  Select false to prevent the field from being displayed in Edit mode.

    When this pop-list is grayed out, it indicates that the On Edit pop-list has been set to false at the block level.  It must be set to true at the block level to be able to be changed here.  

  7. For fields on QBE blocks, set the Search Characteristics property to the desired setting.  In most cases, this property does not need to be set for button fields.  Choices are:

    No special handling: the entry in this field will be compared with the database value exactly as it was entered here.

    Case Insensitive: the entry in this field will be compared with the database without regard to the case of the entry or the database value when the search is executed.

    Case Insensitive with Wildcards: the entry in this field will be compared with the database without regard to the case of the entry or the database value, and including wildcard objects on either end of the entry.

    With Wildcards: the entry in this field will be compared with the database exactly as entered here, but including wildcard objects on either end of the entry.

  8. In the X property, enter the location in pixels of the top left corner of this field on the X-axis (horizontal) of the layout screen.  You can change this here, or it will be changed when you move the field with the Designer Tool.

  9. In the Y property, enter the location in pixels of the top left corner of this field on the Y-axis (vertical) of the layout screen.  This value is used in conjunction with the Y Anchor Type setting.  You can change this number manually, or it will be changed when you are altering the layout with the Designer Tool.

  10. In the Y Anchor Type pop-list, select the container for this field.  Choices are Fixed and Relative to Field.

    When set to Fixed, the upper left corner of this field will be placed a fixed number of pixels in relation to the upper left corner of the field's parent.  The number of pixels is defined in the Y field for the block.

    When set to Relative to Field, the upper left corner of this field will be placed a fixed number of pixels from the bottom edge of the specified field defined in the Y Anchor field.

  11. In the Y Anchor property, select the field that will be used to determine the location of the field on the Y-axis.  The property is only displayed when the Y Anchor Type pop-list is set to Relative to Field.

  12. In the Width property, enter the width of the field in pixels.

  13. In the Height property, enter the height of the field in pixels.

  14. In the Expand Type pop-list, select the option that best defines how the field will be sized. Choices are Expandable, Fixed No Scroll Bars, and Fixed with Scroll Bars.

  1. In the On Got Focus property, enter any javascript actions that should be taken when the focus is placed on this field (the cursor is placed in this field or the button is selected).  

  2. In the On Lost Focus property, enter any javascript actions that should be taken when the focus is moved away from this field (the cursor is leaves this field or the button is de-selected).

  3. In the On Mouse Click property, enter any javascript actions that should be taken when the mouse clicks on this field.

  4. In the Hide If property, enter the conditions under which this field will be hidden.  The field will be hidden on the block when the conditions are met.  When an entry is made in this property, the Show If property will be hidden.

  1. In the Show If property, enter the conditions under which this field will be displayed.  The field will be displayed when the conditions are met.  When an entry is made in this property, the Hide If property will be hidden.

  1. In the Z Order property, enter the order in which the field will be displayed in comparison with the other fields on the block.  

    Z order affects fields when they overlap one another.  For example, if you had 2 fields of the same size in the same location on the block, one with a Z order of 10, and the other with a Z order of 20, the one with the Z order of 20 will be displayed because it was generated last.

    Z order also affects the order in which the fields are selected when tabbing through fields.  Generally, tabbing through the fields is ordered according to the order in which the fields were output for standard fields such as checkboxes, text fields, links, and might include images and labels depending on the browser .  A Z order of 1 indicates that the cursor should be placed in that field when the page is loaded.  Tabbing from that field will take the cursor to the next highest Z order.  If two fields are assigned the same Z order, their output order in relationship to each other is in effect random.  

    Different browsers may use a different tab order.  Depending on the browser, some field types may or may not be able to be accessed by tabbing, including links, images, and labels.

  2. In the Separator Text field, enter the character that will be used to separate multiple values entered in this field to be passed to the database.  This character may also be used when querying dates to separate two dates to return values that fall between the two dates.

  3. The Created on property displays the date and time on which this field was created and cannot be changed.

  4. The Modified on property displays the date and time on which this field was last changed, and cannot be modified.

  5. Press the [Save] button to save the changes.

Non-Database Upload File Fields

  1. In the Explorer Tree, locate the field that you wish to modify.

  1. Modify the field properties.  These will either be displayed in Alphabetical or Logically, depending on the setting of the [Sort Alphabetically/Logically] button.  The following instructions are assuming that the properties are sorted logically.

  2. In the Name property, the name assigned to the field when it was created will be displayed.  It can be changed, if desired.

  3. In the Description property, enter a user-defined description for this field.

  4. In the Type pop-list, select the desired field type.  Choices are:

  1. In the From Database pop-list, select true if the field value will be taken from the database.  Select false if the field value will be user-defined.  

    See the Database Text Fields section if this property is set to true.

  2. In the Size property, enter the character size for this field.  

  3. In the Default Value property, if this field will display a value by default, enter the value here.  Only visible non-database non-formula fields have this property.   

  4. Set the Visible pop-list to true if the field will be displayed on the entity.  Select false if the field will be included on the entity, but not displayed.  

  5. In the Display As property, select Upload File for this field.

  6. In the Display File As property, select Link or Image to determine how the field will be displayed on the block.  

  7. In the Use New Window property, select true or false to determine whether the link will be opened in a new window when selected.

  8. In the Auto Save property, if the file or file contents should be saved into the database automatically after upload, set this pop-list to true.  If the user will need to save the contents manually after upload, set this pop-list to false.

  1. In the Field Style pop-list, select the style to be used for this field on this block on this screen. If set to (from parent), the default field style for the block will be used.  Only visible fields have this property.

  2. In the Display Only pop-list, select true if the data for this field will only be displayed as text on the screen and cannot be modified.  Select false if the data in this field should be displayed as a field.  Only visible fields have this property.

  3. In the Editability property, select the setting that determines whether the data in the field will be editable.  Only visible fields have this property.

    Always Editable: the data in this field will be displayed in a form field, and can be modified.

    Editable on New Only: the data in this field will be displayed in a form field and can be modified on New pages only.

    Never Editable: the data in this field will be displayed in a form field, but cannot be modified.

  4. In the Tool Tip property, enter the data to be displayed when the user hovers over this field with the mouse.  

    Normally used for images, when the user hovers over the field in the browser with the mouse, the data entered here is displayed.  Although offered for all field types, the browser on which the user is running the entity on will determine whether the tool tip is displayed for field types other than image.

    When a field is required, and not entered, the entry in the tool tip is displayed as the field identifier when the required message is displayed.  For example, if the column name was CUST_NO and the tool top for the column was Customer Number, the required message displayed would be "Customer Number is a required field."  If the tool tip was blank, the required message displayed would be "CUST_NO is a required field".

  5. In the Process using Entity property, if the contents of the uploaded file will be processed by an entity during upload, select the entity.

  6. In the Is Formula pop-list, select true if the field contains a formula.  Select false if the field does not contain a formula.  Only visible non-database fields have this property.  

    When set to true, the Formula property will be displayed and the Contents property will be removed.

    You must enter a formula in the Formula property if you set the Is Formula pop-list to true.

  7. In the Formula property, enter the formula for this field.  This field is only displayed and must be entered when the Is Formula pop-list is set to true.

  8. In the Requests Focus pop-list, if this field is the field in which the cursor should start when the screen opens, select true. Otherwise, select false.  

    Only one field on the block should have this pop-list set to true.  If multiple fields are set to true, the entity generator determines at random the field that is selected first. .  Only visible fields have this property.

  9. In the On QBE pop-list, select true to include this field on the screen in QBE mode.  Select false to prevent the field from being displayed on the QBE page.

    When this pop-list is grayed out, it indicates that the On QBE pop-list has been set to false at the block level.  It must be set to true at the block level to be able to be changed here.  

  10. In the On New pop-list, select true to include this field on the screen in New mode.  Select false to prevent the field from being displayed in New mode.

    When this pop-list is grayed out, it indicates that the On New pop-list has been set to false at the block level.  It must be set to true at the block level to be able to be changed here.  

  11. In the On List pop-list, select true to include this field on the screen in List mode.  Select false to prevent the field from being displayed in List mode.

    When this pop-list is grayed out, it indicates that the On List pop-list has been set to false at the block level.  It must be set to true at the block level to be able to be changed here.  

  12. In the On Edit pop-list, select true to include this field on the screen in Edit mode.  Select false to prevent the field from being displayed in Edit mode.

    When this pop-list is grayed out, it indicates that the On Edit pop-list has been set to false at the block level.  It must be set to true at the block level to be able to be changed here.  

  13. In the X property, enter the location in pixels of the top left corner of this field on the X-axis (horizontal) of the layout screen.  You can change this here, or it will be changed when you move the field with the Designer Tool.

  14. In the Y property, enter the location in pixels of the top left corner of this field on the Y-axis (vertical) of the layout screen.  This value is used in conjunction with the Y Anchor Type setting.  You can change this number manually, or it will be changed when you are altering the layout with the Designer Tool.

  15. In the Y Anchor Type pop-list, select the container for this field.  Choices are Fixed and Relative to Field.

    When set to Fixed, the upper left corner of this field will be placed a fixed number of pixels in relation to the upper left corner of the field's parent.  The number of pixels is defined in the Y field for the block.

    When set to Relative to Field, the upper left corner of this field will be placed a fixed number of pixels from the bottom edge of the specified field defined in the Y Anchor field.

  16. In the Y Anchor property, select the field that will be used to determine the location of the field on the Y-axis.  The property is only displayed when the Y Anchor Type pop-list is set to Relative to Field.

  17. In the Width property, enter the width of the field in pixels.

  18. In the Height property, enter the height of the field in pixels.

  19. In the Expand Type pop-list, select the option that best defines how the field will be sized. Choices are Expandable, Fixed No Scroll Bars, and Fixed with Scroll Bars.

  1. In the On Got Focus property, enter any javascript actions that should be taken when the focus is placed on this field (the cursor is placed in this field or the button is selected).  

  2. In the On Lost Focus property, enter any javascript actions that should be taken when the focus is moved away from this field (the cursor is leaves this field or the button is de-selected).

  3. In the On Mouse Click property, enter any javascript actions that should be taken when the mouse clicks on this field.

  4. In the Hide If property, enter the conditions under which this field will be hidden.  The field will be hidden on the block when the conditions are met.  When an entry is made in this property, the Show If property will be hidden.

  1. In the Show If property, enter the conditions under which this field will be displayed.  The field will be displayed when the conditions are met.  When an entry is made in this property, the Hide If property will be hidden.

  1. In the Z Order property, enter the order in which the field will be displayed in comparison with the other fields on the block.  

    Z order affects fields when they overlap one another.  For example, if you had 2 fields of the same size in the same location on the block, one with a Z order of 10, and the other with a Z order of 20, the one with the Z order of 20 will be displayed because it was generated last.

    Z order also affects the order in which the fields are selected when tabbing through fields.  Generally, tabbing through the fields is ordered according to the order in which the fields were output for standard fields such as checkboxes, text fields, links, and might include images and labels depending on the browser .  A Z order of 1 indicates that the cursor should be placed in that field when the page is loaded.  Tabbing from that field will take the cursor to the next highest Z order.  If two fields are assigned the same Z order, their output order in relationship to each other is in effect random.  

    Different browsers may use a different tab order.  Depending on the browser, some field types may or may not be able to be accessed by tabbing, including links, images, and labels.

  2. The Created on property displays the date and time on which this field was created and cannot be changed.

  3. The Modified on property displays the date and time on which this field was last changed, and cannot be modified.

  4. Press the [Save] button to save the changes.

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