Bread Crumb Fields

  1. In the Explorer Tree, locate the field that you wish to modify.

  1. Modify the field properties.  These will either be displayed in Alphabetical or Logically, depending on the setting of the [Sort Alphabetically/Logically] button.  The following instructions are assuming that the properties are sorted logically.

  2. In the Name property, the name assigned to the field when it was created will be displayed.  It can be changed, if desired.

  3. In the Description property, enter a user-defined description for this field.

  4. In the Type pop-list, select the desired field type.  Choices are:

  1. In the From Database pop-list, select true if the field value will be taken from the database.  Select false if the field value will not be user-defined.  

  1. In the From Query pop-list, verify that the correct query block is displayed in this field.  This is the block for which the database query is used to define the data displayed for this column.  Only database fields have this property.

  2. In the From Column pop-list, verify that the correct column is displayed in this field.  This is the column selected in the query defined in the 'From Query' property from which the data for this field will be obtained.  The value in this field can be changed to another column from the same table/view.  Only database fields have this property.

  3. In the Display As property, select how the values will be displayed.  Choices are:

  1. Supporting Field: the fields that contain information to support the Bread Crumb Link field.  

  1. In the Hyperlink To property, enter the linking information for the field.  This field assumes that entries are scripted using Xephr Functions, Database Function Calls and Links between Entities.  

  1. In the HREF for Current Page property, enter the linking information for the end field (current screen) of the bread crumb block.  This field assumes that entries are scripted using Xephr Functions, Database Function Calls and Links between Entities.  

  1. During runtime, the status bar of the browser shows the actual HREF of the link being accessed. This HREF may not be what you wrote here in the property sheet, as this value will go through several transformations to handle "live" data. Most notably, $$BLOCK.FIELD$$ will be translated to what the browser is expecting to see in order to access the requested data. For Internet Explorer 6, this will be something like'"document.forms["BLOCK1"].elements["FIELD"].value '; for another system it could be something completely different.

  2. The values entered here are for the end field (current screen) of the bread crumb block, not the trailing fields (previous screens).

  1. In the Link Style pop-list, select the style to be applied to links for this field.  If set to (from parent), the style used will be the Link Style from the block properties.

  2. In the Tool Tip property, enter the data to be displayed when the user hovers over this field with the mouse.  Only Bread Crumb Link fields have this property.

    Normally used for images, when the user hovers over the field in the browser with the mouse, the data entered here is displayed.  Although offered for all field types, the browser on which the user is running the entity on will determine whether the tool tip is displayed for field types other than image.

    When a field is required, and not entered, the entry in the tool tip is displayed as the field identifier when the required message is displayed.  For example, if the column name was CUST_NO and the tool top for the column was Customer Number, the required message displayed would be "Customer Number is a required field."  If the tool tip was blank, the required message displayed would be "CUST_NO is a required field".

  3. In the Format Mask property, select the format mask for this field from the list of pre-defined format masks.  

    Date and Date/Time type fields must have a format mask entered.  Format masks can only be applied to date, date/time, and numeric type fields.
    Xephr expects dates returned from the datasource to be in the format defined in the datasource.  The format mask is then applied to the date returned from the datasource.

    For more information, see the Format Masks section.

  4. In the Is Formula pop-list, select true if the field contains a formula.  Select false if the field does not contain a formula.  Only non-database fields have this property.  

    When set to true, the Formula property will be displayed and the Contents property will be removed.

    You must enter a formula in the Formula property if you set the Is Formula pop-list to true.

  5. In the Formula property, enter the formula for this field.  This field is only displayed and must be entered when the Is Formula pop-list is set to true.

  6. In the Contents property, if this field will display a value by default, enter the value here.  Only non-database non-formula fields have this property.   

  7. In the On QBE pop-list, select true to include this field on the screen in QBE mode.  Select false to prevent the field from being displayed on the QBE page.

    When this pop-list is grayed out, it indicates that the On QBE pop-list has been set to false at the block level.  It must be set to true at the block level to be able to be changed here.  

  8. In the On New pop-list, select true to include this field on the screen in New mode.  Select false to prevent the field from being displayed in New mode.

    When this pop-list is grayed out, it indicates that the On New pop-list has been set to false at the block level.  It must be set to true at the block level to be able to be changed here.  

  9. In the On List pop-list, select true to include this field on the screen in List mode.  Select false to prevent the field from being displayed in List mode.

    When this pop-list is grayed out, it indicates that the On List pop-list has been set to false at the block level.  It must be set to true at the block level to be able to be changed here.  

  10. In the On Edit pop-list, select true to include this field on the screen in Edit mode.  Select false to prevent the field from being displayed in Edit mode.

    When this pop-list is grayed out, it indicates that the On Edit pop-list has been set to false at the block level.  It must be set to true at the block level to be able to be changed here.  

  11. In the Width property, enter the width of the field in pixels.  Only Bread Crumb Link fields have this property.

  12. In the Height property, enter the height of the field in pixels.  Only Bread Crumb Link fields have this property.

  13. In the Created on property, the date and time on which the field was created is displayed and cannot be changed.

  14. In the Modified on property, the date and time on which the field was last changed is displayed and cannot be modified.

  15. When all changes have been made, press the [Save] button on the main toolbar.

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