Xephr Interconnect Example

Our goal is to set up an interconnect XML document and create a screen that pulls the data from that document.  We will be using the CUSTOMERS document that we created earlier as the interconnect XML document.

In order to accomplish this goal, we need to publish our XML document and then create an Interconnect datasource.

See Also

Published Entities

Xephr Interconnect Datasource

Interconnect Datasource Example

  1. In the Explorer Tree, select the Datasource Information object.

  2. Right click on the Datasource Information object and select Create Datasource.

  3. The Creating Database Datasource wizard will be displayed.

  4. In the Category property, select Xephr Interconnect Datasource.

  5. Leave the Type property set to Remote Xephr Entity.

  6. In the Name property, enter XEPHR_INTERCONNECT.

  7. In the Description property, enter Xephr Interconnect Datasource.

  8. In the Host property, enter the host on which the interconnect entities were published.  The host used for the examples is test10.ndsasp.com.

  9. In the Port property, enter the port to use to access the published entities.  The port for the example is 80.

  10. Leave the Is Secure checkbox set to off, as the host and port do not need to be accessed using a secure connection.

  11. In the Default User property, enter admin as the user ID to access the published entities on this host.

  12. In the Default Password property, enter the administrator's user password to access the published entities on this host.

  13. Leave the Proxy Server and Proxy Port properties set to their defaults as they are not necessary to access the host.

  14. Click on the Ok button to create the datasource.

  15. The new datasource is added to the Explorer Tree.

  16. Click on the Save button in the main toolbar to save the new datasource.

  17. Press the Preview button in the main toolbar to view your new datasource.  The published CUSTOMERS entity is displayed.

Xephr Interconnect Entity Example

  1. The CUSTOMERS entity was published previously in the Publishing Entities Example section and is accessed using the XEPHR_INTERCONNECT datasource created in the Interconnect Datasource Example section.

  2. Now we need to create a screen that accesses the data in the CUSTOMERS entity.  You could create any entity type, but for this example, we will use a screen.

  3. Select the Group Information object.  Expand it, and select the group to which you wish to add the new screen entity.

  4. Right click on the group and select Create ->Entity.

  5. Click on the Screen bullet.

  6. In the Entity Name property, type INTERCONNECT_CUST as the entity name.

  7. Leave the Datasource property set to (use default), since there is only one datasource for the Xephr® install.

  8. In the Based On property, select SCREEN_TEMPLATE, which is the template that we created earlier.

  9. Set the Default Mode property to List View.   

  10. Leave the Body Style, Editable Field Style, Non-Editable Field Style, Lov Style, and Link Style properties set to (from parent), as these styles will be taken from the SCREEN_TEMPLATE for this screen.

  11. Click on the Next button at the bottom right of the screen.

  12. The Adding New Block screen is displayed next.

  13. In the Block Name property, enter CUSTOMER as the name of the block.

  14. In the Block Type property, select Standard Block.

  15. Set the Query Type property to Xephr Interconnect.

  16. The Datasource property will default to the XEPHR_INTERCONNECT datasource.

  17. Leave the Interconnect Entity set to CUSTOMERS.

  18. Set the Create Heading checkbox to off to indicate that no heading should be created.

  19. No login or password is needed to access the published interconnect entity, so leave the Target Login and Target Password properties blank.

  20. In the Mode Selection section, leave the List checkbox set to on.

  21. In the Scheme Selection section, set the List bullet to on, since multiple records are being returned to this screen and we wish to have the labels displayed at the top of the screen and the fields displayed below them.

  22. Click on the Next button at the bottom of the screen.

  23. The Constructing Xephr Interconnect screen is displayed next.

  24. Click on the Field column header and the Label column header to set the flags to on for all columns.

  25. Set the Key checkbox to on for the CUST_NO column since it is the key to the records.

  26. Click on the Next button at the bottom of the screen.

  27. The Ordering Fields screen is displayed next.  The columns are initially ordered as they were listed on the previous screen, which is in the same order as they are ordered in the XML document.  We have no reason to order them differently.

  28. Click on the Next button to continue.

  29. The Option to add more Blocks screen is displayed.  We have no more blocks or labels to add.  Click on the Finish button.

  30. The new screen is added to the initially selected group.  In the Explorer Tree, the new screen will be displayed, expanded with all blocks shown.

  31. Click on the Save button in the main toolbar to save the new screen.

  32. Our screen is going to be display only.  Left click on the INTERCONNECT_CUST entity in the Explorer Tree.  Double click to display the property sheet.

  33. Change the Display Only property to true.

  34. Expand the LEFT_MENU block.  Since the only mode for this screen is a display only list mode, we do not many of the links on the left menu.

  35. Hold down the Shift button and select the following links:

  36. Display the multi-select property sheet.

  37. Set the On List property to false.

  38. Expand the CUSTOMER_CONTAINER block and the CUSTOMER block.

  39. We need to modify the CUST_NO field to remove the link created, since the only mode for this screen is list mode.

  40. Left click on the CUST_NO field to select it.

  41. In the Hyperlink To property, delete all the text.

  42. Click on the Save button in the main toolbar to save the changes.

  43. To test the new screen entity, highlight it by selecting it, and click on the Run button in the main toolbar.

  44. The Preparing to Run pop-up screen is displayed.  Click on the Run button.

  45. The file will be run in the browser.

  46. Additional changes can be made to better fit the fields to the screen.

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Copyright © 2007 NDS Systems LC.