List of Values Example

Lists of values need to be created before fields can be assigned lists of values either as an option list or as a list of values type field.  The following examples include how to create a simple list type list of values, a simple query type list of values, and a list of values that populates other fields on the block.

See Also

Lists of Values

List Type

The list of values for this example is a simple list defining vendor status.

  1. In the Explorer Tree, select the List of Values Information object.  

  2. Right click on the object and select Create Lov.

  3. The Create LOV screen is displayed.

  4. In the Name property, enter VENDOR_STATUS.

  5. In the Description property, enter a description for the list of values, to indicate the data that is selected by this list.  In this example, enter Vendor Status.

  6. In the Title property, enter Vendor Status.  The title will be displayed at the top of the list of values when it is activated.  

  7. Leave the Datasource property set to (from parent).

  8. In the Values From pop-list, select List to indicate that the values will be defined here in a list form.

  9. In the Name property, enter the database value for the entry in the list.

  10. In the Value property, enter the text that will be displayed to describe this value in the list:









  11. Click on the Ok button at the bottom of the screen to create the list of values.

  12. Press the Save button in the Main Toolbar to save the list of values.

  13. Press the Preview button in the main toolbar to view your new list of values.  You will only see the value that is displayed after the equal sign (=) in the list of values.

Query Type

The list of values for this example is a simple list including the vendor number and name for active vendors.

  1. In the Explorer Tree, select the List of Values Information object.  

  2. Right click on the object and select Create Lov.

  3. The Create LOV screen is displayed.

  4. In the Name property, enter VENDORS.

  5. In the Description property, enter List of Active Vendors, as the description to indicate what the list should show.

  6. In the Title property, enter Active Vendors.  The title will be displayed at the top of the list of values when it is activated.  

  7. Leave the Datasource property set to (from parent).

  8. In the Values From pop-list, select Query.

  9. In the Query property, enter the SQL select statement that will be executed against the database to retrieve the values for the list.  

    The following select statement will select all of the vendor numbers in the vendor table that are active, and the list is ordered by vendor name.  When a value is selected, the vendor number will be inserted into the field on the screen.  The list will display the vendor number and vendor name, as those are the columns defined to be selected from the database.

select vendor_id, (value inserted into list of values field)

v_name (additional field, value will be inserted into the v_name field if it exists)
from vendor
where vendor_status = 'A'
order by vendor_id

  1. Click on the Ok button at the bottom of the screen to create the list of values.

  2. Press the Save button in the Main Toolbar to save the list of values.

  3. Press the Preview button in the main toolbar to view your new list of values.  You will only see the value that is displayed after the first comma and before the second comma in the list of values.  In this example, the vendor name.


The list of values for this example is a simple query for the customer number and name for active customers.  However, this list of values will return values to multiple fields on the entity as it is an auto-populating list of values.  This list will return the customer number to the field from which the list is run, and customer name to the cust_name field on the screen.  

For additional explanations on auto-populating lists of values, see the Auto-Populating Lists of Values section of the help.

  1. In the Explorer Tree, select the List of Values Information object.  

  2. Right click on the object and select Create Lov.

  3. The Create LOV screen is displayed.

  4. In the Name property, enter CUST_NO.

  5. In the Description property, enter Customer Numbers and Names, as the description to indicate what the list should show.

  6. In the Title property, enter Customer Numbers.  The title will be displayed at the top of the list of values when it is activated.  

  7. In the Values From pop-list, select Query.

  8. In the Query property, enter the SQL select statement that will be executed against the database to retrieve the values for the list.  The first column remains the code that will be returned to the field.   

    You can add additional columns to the select statement to return additional values.  Each additional column that is returned must be unique and must match the field into which the additional value will be inserted.  Aliases can be used to guarantee the match, and to insert expressions into the field.

    You can add as many additional columns as you like.

The following select statement will select all of the customer numbers in the custmast_uvw view that are active, and the list is ordered by customer name.  When a value is selected, the customer number will be inserted into the field from which the list was run, the customer name will be inserted into the cust_name field, and the first line of the customer address will be inserted into the address field.  The list will display the customer number and customer name.

select cust_no, (value inserted into list of values field)
        cust_name, (additional value displayed in list of values and inserted into cust_name field)
cust_addr1 ADDRESS (additional value displayed in list of values and inserted into ADDRESS field)
        from custmast_uvw
        where org_unit_id = $$ORG_UNIT_ID$$
        and status_code = 'A'
        order by cust_no

  1. Click on the Ok button at the bottom of the screen to create the list of values.

  2. Press the Save button in the Main Toolbar.

  3. Press the Preview button in the main toolbar to view your new list of values.  

  4. In the List of Variables screen, since we defined this list of values to use a global variable, we need to assign the value.  In the Value field, enter 100.

  5. Click on the Ok button.

  6. You will only see the value that is displayed after the first comma and before the second comma in the list of values.  In this example, the customer name.

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