Xephr Administration Console
Connection Metrics

The connection metrics screen allows you to view and capture the database connections for each Xephr® repository and datasource.

Each repository and datasource with a connection to a database is displayed at the top of the screen.  

  1. The Location property displays the current location within the administration console.

  2. In the Auto Refresh Interval field, enter the number of seconds between each refresh of this screen.   Click on the Refresh Now button to refresh the screen immediately.

  3. In the upper part of the screen, in the Type column, the object type making a connection is displayed.  This value will either be Repository or Datasource.

  4. In the Name column, the name of the object is displayed.  

  5. In the User column, for the datasouces, the user for the connection is displayed.

  6. In the # Connections Active column, the number of active connections for the object is displayed.

  7. In the # Connections Idle column, the number of idle connections for the object is displayed.

  8. In the Action column, you can click on the Release Pool link to disconnect the Active and Idle connection for the connection object.  

Depending on which button is pushed for the lower part of the screen, this sections displays captured information about the datasource connections.

The information currently being captured is displayed above the buttons to the right of the words Currently Capturing:.

Buttons are Capture Current, Capture All, Show All, Show DS, and Disable.

Type: the type of connection.

Name: the name associated with the connection.

Message: the message associated with the connection.

Opened: the date and time the connection was opened.

Closed: the date and time the connection was closed.

Total Time: the total time between the time the connection was opened and the time it was closed in milliseconds.

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