CSRCH - Customer Search

New features added, version 7.5.4P, 8.4P

See Also Programs


Customer Search in NDS is a search as you type form for customers, used in OE Programs, MTMM, CMMM and CMCM.


To begin searching for a customer within the available programs:

  1. Double click on the Customer No. field or Prospect ID field depending on the program and the Customer Search form (CSRCH) will open.

  2. Search for the desired customer using the following search options:


The customer or contact that the searches return will show up in the Customer Names, Contact Names and Customer Addresses box on the right side of the form.


Limit Search to Zip Code:


Your data will be limited to customers within the entered zip code. This search can be done at any time, either before any other searches or to limit results from a previous search.


Search by Address:


This search as you type field will reduce your results of found customers by the address information you are typing as you type it. This search can be done at any time, either before any other searches or to reduce results from a previous search.


Search by Name:


This search as you type field will reduce your results of found customers by the name information you are typing as you type it. This search can be done at any time, either before any other searches or to reduce results from a previous search.


Search by Phone Number:


This will reduce your results of found customers by the phone number information you type in the search field. This search can be done at any time, either before any other searches or to reduce results from a previous search.


Search by Contact:



This search must be used in conjunction with another search type. To use this search you must have search results already available. This search as you type field will reduce your results of found customers by the contact information you are typing as you type it.


  1. Once the desired customer appears one of the search results boxes on the right side of the form. Click on the desired customer and the customer information fields will fill in below the search fields.

  2. Press the EXIT button to return to the previous OE program screen and the customer selected during the search will return to the form and fill in the appropriate fields.


CSRCH Action Buttons

Clear All

Press this button to clear all search data.


Press this button to clear a specific search field.

Clear Return Values

Press this button to clear the customer information fields below the search fields. This will not clear the search fields.



Press this button to clear the search field information one character at a time.


Perform Phone Search

 Press this button to search for a customer contact information by phone number.