Menu Functionality

There are two types of menus in Xephr® Runtime.  

The first type is entity-specific and entity-defined.  You may have a section on an entity that contains a series of links.  These links are defined by entity, or by template, and may perform different actions according to the data on the entity.  Click on the link to perform the action defined for that link, such as opening the screen in query mode, saving a record, or running a report.  These types of menus are often found as a list of links on the left hand side of the Xephr screens.

The second type of menu in Xephr Runtime is a set of menu objects defined in the Xephr Studio that is the same each time it is accessed.  These menus are screen entities with blocks that reference the menu objects in the Xephr Studio.  Each menu block contains a group of links, defined by the menu objects and menu link objects set up in Xephr Studio.  You may have multiple menu screens, or other screens that have a block that accesses the menu objects.  On the menu screen, these objects are displayed as links, that when clicked on, run specific entities or rerun the menu screen with a new set of menu links.  

When a user logs in or accesses a main menu, he/she is most likely accessing the set of menu objects defined in the Xephr studio.

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