PHVRI - Cycle Count Valuation by Item Report

New features added, version 7.5.4, 8.4

See Also Programs

Program PHVRI, Cycle Count Valuation by Item Report, is used to print the Cycle Count Valuation Journal. This report lists inventory items counted during a count cycle and includes an accounting of all changes to inventory counts and values sorted by the sequence number assigned in program PHCP, Cycle Count Preparation. The report is based on count data that is entered with program PHCE, Cycle Count Entry/Maintenance, and updated with program PHCU, Cycle Count Update.

The report is printed for one batch at a time. Only those batches with your manufacturing enterprise and plant code can be selected.

The report header shows your manufacturing enterprise, plant, and the batch number. The report includes the sequence (line) number, stock area and bin location, new location flag, item number, control number, SKU unit of measure, system total, actual total, count adjustment, unit cost, and value change. There are report totals for the counts and dollar values.

If program PHCU, Cycle Count Update, has been run for the selected batch, the end of the report lists summary information by ABC class. For each ABC class (other indicates non-ABC class items, and total is the report total), the report lists the number and percentage of tags counted, the number and percentage of counts adjusted, the accuracy percentage (the percentage of items not adjusted), and the original value. The report also lists the upward adjustment, downward adjustment, net adjustment, adjustment percentage, aggregate adjustment, percentage of aggregate adjustment, and percentage of total. This data can be displayed with program PHCI, Cycle Count Batch Inquiry.

Printing this Report

1. Before running this report, make sure that the correct printer name is displayed in the Printer field on the main menu.

2. On the Report Parameter Form, in the Batch Number (required) pop-list, select the batch for which you are printing this report.

3. Press [Run Report].