OESB - Sales Order Batch Shipping

New features added, version 7.5.1, 7.5.2, 7.5.3, 8.1, 7.5.4, 8.4, 8.6R1

See Also Programs

Program OESB, Sales Order Batch Shipping, is used to ship a number of sales orders at once. The program will search through all dates between and including the entered start and end dates to find orders that match the entered criteria.

For sales orders with sales order line plant codes that differ from the sales order location plant code, the sales order lines will be shipped from the sales order location plant. Move tickets will be generated according to the Inter Plant Move Action pop-list in program ILPM, Plant Code Maintenance.

Pick lists are printed with this program. The printer to which the pick lists will be printed is defined in program SPOP, System Printer Output Defaults, based on the print rule. This information is displayed in the lower right corner of this program. The printer can be changed.

Containers are created automatically for sales order lines. For multi-plant sales orders, containers are created separately for each plant. Sales order lines with the same plant are placed by default in the same containers.

It is strongly recommended that users do not make the staging and shipping locations non-nettable. Non nettable locations are meant to be used to quarantine inventory so that it will not be considered for planning/reservation purposes.

See Also

Alternate Units of Measure and Preferred SKUs

Merge All Customer Orders for Single Daily Shipment

Recalculate Unit Price on Shipping

Future Allocation Protection

Batch Shipment of Controlled Items

Batch Shipment of Kit Items and Models

Background Batch Shipping with program JOBQ, NDS Job Queue Management

Protected Allocations in Background Batch Shipping

Setup for Batch Shipping

Batch Shipping

Batch Shipping Repetitive Mode Processing

OESB Action Buttons


Merge All Customer Orders for Single Daily Shipment

Customers can be set up so that all sales orders entered in a single day will be shipped at a set time.

Once this set up is complete, all sales orders entered before the defined time will be merged and shipped at that time. Any sales orders entered after that time will be considered for batch shipping until midnight of that day. Anything that was not shipped or was not shippable prior to midnight will be held until the Merge Time the next day before being considered for shipping again.


Recalculate Unit Price on Shipping

Sales order prices for margin priced customers are recalculated during shipping when the following conditions are met:

The S type cost is set up to be Actual or Average cost.


The sales order line is tied to a purchase order line.


The unit cost for the item has changed.


Sales order status is S - Confirmed Complete.


There is a pullcard assigned to the sales order line in program ICKM, Inventory Pull Card Moves.


The actual transfer is done in program ICKM, Inventory Pull Card Moves, after shipping.


The ICKM_RECOST_ORDER_LINE parameter in program MURM, Initialization Parameter Maintenance, is set to Y.


Future Allocation Protection

The OESB_FUTURE_ALLOC parameter in program MURM, Initialization Parameter Maintenance, determines whether sales orders with future due dates within the item lead time from the current end date will have their quantity subtracted from the nettable on hand when evaluating whether a sales order line is shippable and the quantity to ship. This prevents later sales orders from using the inventory for a sales order with a future due date. In order to preserve the priority when a future sales order becomes shippable, the Ship Priority Method pop-list in program ILPM, Plant Code Maintenance, should be set to Order Date.


Batch Shipment of Controlled Items

Controlled items are shipped in program OESB, Batch Shipping, using the following parameters.

1. Program makes sure that sales order has not been staged.

2. Program ships controlled reservations.

3. Sales orders with controlled items without reservations will be shipped with a quantity of 0 if there is enough total inventory in the system. It will be backordered if the customer allows backorders. If the customer does not allow backorders, the item will not be backordered.

4. To allow the background process to ship controlled items automatically, set the Auto Ship Controlled Items Flag in ILPM, Plant Code Maintenence to on.


Batch Shipment of Kit Items and Models

Kits are shipped in program OESB, Sales Order Batch Shipping, using the following parameters:

Kit components are checked for availability.

Background Batch Shipping with program JOBQ, NDS Job Queue Management

The batch shipping process can be run in the background without using program OESB, Sales Order Batch Shipping, if a job is set up in program JOBQ, NDS Job Queue Management, to do so. The procedure called by the job will perform a single batch shipping process pass, including the printing of the packing ships. Some setup is required in program ILPM, Plant Code Maintenance, on the Batch Shipping Tab.

Failures in the background batch shipping process are emailed to the addresses defined in program MURM, Initialization Parameter Maintenance, for the OESB_BG_MAIL_TO parameter and the OESB_BG_COPY_TO parameter.

To set up the job in program JOBQ, NDS Job Queue Management, complete the following steps:

1. Go to the second page of program JOBQ, NDS Job Queue Management.

2. In the Job No field, enter the job number.

3. In the job name field to the right of the job number, enter the job name.

4. In the Contact Name field, enter a contact name for the job.

5. Set the Job Log Activation flag to on if you wish the activation of this job to be logged as history. Set the Job Log Activation flag to off to prevent the activation of this job from being logged as history.

6. In the PL/SQL field, enter the SQL statement that will be used to run the job.

BEGIN PROCOESB.OESB_BG_PROC ('unit_code','plant_code','user/pwd@db', 'B'); END;

7. In the Interval field, you can enter an expression that will evaluate into a date, such as SYSDATE. This field is generally used when you wish to run a job at specific time intervals.

8. In the Repeat Until field, enter the date and time on or before which the last running of this job will occur. This field is used in conjunction with the interval. Format is MM-DD-YYY hh24:mm. For example, July 13th 2006 at three pm would be 07-13-2006 15:00.

9. Press [Commit].

10. Press the [Submit to Job Queue] button to add the job to the job queue. The status field will change from NOT IN SYSTEM JOB QUEUE to IN SYSTEM JOB QUEUE.

11. The information can now be viewed on page one and will be run on the date indicated.


Protected Allocations in Background Batch Shipping

This feature is only applicable to background batch shipping and will not have any effect when program OESB, Sales Order Batch Shipping, is run from the menu. Quantities for sales order line items with this feature activated are protected from being shipped on other sales orders. When the background batch shipping process is run, protected inventory is not included in the calculations for quantity available for other sales order lines for the same item.

Allocations are only protected up until the estimated ship date for the sales order. Once the estimated ship date has passed, the background batch shipping process will remove the protection. If the user changes the estimated ship date for the sales order, the allocations will remain protected until the new estimated ship date passes. When the expiration date is about to pass, the Alloc Protection pop-list in the header of the sales order displays Expires Soon.

The ALLOCEXPIR workflow can be set up in program WFWM, Workflow Template Maintenance, to send a warning when protected allocations are about to expire. The PROTECTED_ALLOC_WARN_DAYS parameter in program MURM, Initialization Parameter Maintenance, determines the number of days before the estimated ship date that the workflow will be sent. The background batch shipping process triggers the workflow. If the workflow and parameter have not been set up, the workflow notification will not be set, but the protected allocations will still be expired when appropriate by the background shipping process.

Protected allocations for an item can be viewed in program ICSS, Stock Status Inquiry, or you can print program OPALR, Protected Allocations Report, to list sales order lines for which the allocation protection will expire soon.

There are two ways to activate this feature for sales order line items.


Protected allocations are only applicable to background batch shipping and will not prevent shipment of the protected inventory from program OESC, Shipping Confirmation, or program ARIE, One-Step Invoice Entry.

Protection settings are not carried to backorders

Protection settings are not copied when copying orders with program OECO, Sales Order Copy.

Protection settings are not reset when an order is unshipped.


Batch Shipping Setup

1. You only need to set up for batch shipping once. Changes can be made at any time to the batch shipping parameters set up on the Batch Shipping Tab in program ILPM, Plant Code Maintenance.

2. Go to program ILPM, Plant Code Maintenance.

3. In the Default Printer field, enter the printer for the plant. This is the printer to which the pick lists will be printed when the selected orders have finished shipping for this plant.

4. Set the Batch Ship Method pop-list to the desired setting. This pop-list indicates from which locations you want the inventory picked when you are making a batch shipment with program OESB, Batch Shipping. The choices are as follows:

5. Set the Mode of Operation pop-list to the desired setting. This pop-list indicates whether or not you want program OESB, Batch Shipping, to check the stock for the item before it ships the order. This affects the Create Move Pull Cards flag. The choices are as follows:

6. Set the Shipped Order Status pop-list to the desired setting. This pop-list indicates which status will be assigned to orders completed with program OESB, Batch Shipping. Choices are Orders ready to invoice and Orders requiring confirmation.

7. Set the Ship Priority Method pop-list to the desired setting. This pop-list determines in what order the sales orders will be shipped. Choices are:

8. Set the Allocate Future Orders flag to the desired setting. When set to on, the total quantity ordered on future sales orders due within the item lead time is subtracted from the nettable on-hand. Shipping is constrained to this quantity. This feature protects older sales orders due in the future from being robbed by more recent sales orders.

9. Set the Ship Purchased Non Maintain on Hand flag to the desired setting.

10. Set the Items to Batch Ship pop-list to the desired setting. This pop-list in addition to the Ship Purchased Non Maintain on Hand flag determines whether non-maintain on hand items will be shipped with program OESB, Sales Order Batch Shipping.

If a sales order line for a non-stocked or non-maintain on hand item is not assigned to a purchase order, it will be shipped with the quantity shipped equal to the quantity ordered.

11. Set the Ship before Due Date flag to the desired setting. This flag determines whether items will be shipped when the line item due date is after the system date.

12. Set the Create Move Pull Cards flag to the desired setting. If this flag is set to on, program OESB, Batch Shipping, will create move tickets to move inventory from one location another to ship a complete order and replenish the inventory in the location from which the order was shipped. This feature works by sales order line item plant.

13. Set the Use ICRC Move Ticket Rules flag to the desired setting. If this flag is set to on, move tickets will only be created for the quantity shipped on sales orders. Move tickets for the same item will be consolidated and executed automatically.

This setting will only work when the Batch Ship Method is set to From Default Location or From Backflush Location.

14. Set the Inter Plant Move Action flag to the desired setting. This pop-list determines how move tickets will be created for sales orders with different line item plants than the sales location plant.

15. In the Shipvia Group Cd field, enter the ship via group code for use with the Use Shipvia Group Code option in the Inter Plant Move Action pop-list.

16. Press [Commit].


Batch Shipping

1. In the Sales Location pop-list, select the sales location for which you are batch shipping sales orders. All sales orders entered for this location will be considered for batch shipment.

2. In the Start Date field, enter the starting date. The program will ship orders whose ship dates occur on or between this date and the ending date.

3. In the End Date field, enter the ending date. The program will ship orders whose ship dates occur on or between this date and the starting date.

4. In the Start Lead Batch ID field, if you are shipping orders only for lead batches, enter the first lead batch in the range that you are shipping. If you enter a lead batch range, the program will only ship sales orders created for the entered range.

5. In the End Lead Batch ID field, enter the last lead batch in the range that you are shipping.

6. In the Ship Date field, enter the ship date for the shipped sales orders.

7. In the Order Date Qualifier field, enter the order date qualifier for which you are shipping sales orders. The program will ship orders whose order date qualifier matches the one entered here. If you leave this field blank, the order date qualifier will not be considered when selecting sales orders for shipment.

8. In the Sales Reason code field, enter the sales reason code. The program will ship orders whose sales reason code matches the one entered here. If you leave this field blank, the sales reason code will not be considered when selecting sales orders for shipment.

9. If you are using Repetitive Mode Processing, at this point, see the Batch Shipping Repetitive Mode Processing section.

10. Press the [Validate Parameters] button. The program will now search the system for open orders and calculate how many of those orders meet the entered parameters.

11. Press the [Process Shipments] button to ship the orders in the Orders Selected field. While OESB is running, the system will temporarily place the orders in status. This prevents anyone from editing an order while the batch shipping process is running. The status will display in the [Order Tracking] tab on the order in the history of the order status transitions.

12. In program MURM, the parameter for OESB_UPDATES_PICK_FLAG determines whether when OESB ships an order, should it update the header pick flag to 'Y'. If so, the MURM should be set to ’(which is the default). If you do not want OESB to update the header pick flag to ’, then the MURM should be set to ’. This MURM can be set differently for different plants.

13. In program MURM, the parameter for OESB_FORCE_UPROC25 determines whether the procuser.uproc25 routine should be run, even if there are no pick tickets to print, since this process also handles other updates. If you want to force procuser.uproc25 to run each time OESB runs, then the MURM should be set to ’. If the MURM is set to ’, the procuser.uproc25 routine will run only when there are pick tickets to print.

14. After processing in OESB, Sales Order Batch Shipping, shipments can be maintained in program OESC, Shipping Confirmation.


Batch Shipping Repetitive Mode Processing

Once the shipping parameters have been entered, you can start the repetitive mode processing. When the repetitive mode is turned on, the program will select all status 'O' - Complete orders that match the parameters entered, and attempt to ship them according to the batch settings in program ILPM, Plant Code Maintenance. When the selected orders have been shipped, the process enters waiting mode, until the defined number of minutes has passed, at which point the process starts again.

You must be in program OESB, Sales Order Batch Shipping, for the repetitive mode process to be running.

1. In the Repeat Interval field, enter the number of minutes that will lapse between the completion of one batch shipment and the beginning of another. This field can be entered in minutes, and decimals of minutes.

2. In the Order Eval Interval field, enter the number of minutes that a given order will be suspended for shipping evaluation after a failed evaluation.

3. When you have entered the interval, set the Repetitive Mode flag to on to start the Repetitive Mode batch shipping process.

4. The Current Cycle field displays the number of shipments that have been completed since you entered the program. This number is not reset when you set the Repetitive Mode flag to off. It is only reset if you exit and reenter the program.

5. The Last Cycle Started and Last Cycle Ending fields display the starting and ending time and dates for the last run cycle.

6. The Current Activity pop-list will display Manual Mode when you first enter the program and when the Repetitive Mode flag is set to off. Modifications can be made to the batch shipping parameters when the pop-list displays Manual Mode. You can exit the program when the pop-list is set to Manual Mode.

7. The Current Activity pop-list will display Waiting when the program is between batches. Modifications to the batch shipping parameters can be made when the pop-list displays Waiting. These parameters will be used the next time a batch shipped. You can exit the program when the pop-list is set to Waiting.

8. If the Current Activity pop-list displays anything other than Waiting or Manual Mode, no changes can be made in the program until the pop-list returns to one of those settings. You cannot exit the program.

9. The Refresh Order Totals on Left flag determines whether the order total information on the bottom left corner of the screen will be refreshed with each batch. This flag is set to off by default, indicating that the totals should not be refreshed. You can set this flag to on at any time and the totals will be refreshed during the next cycle.

OESB Action Buttons

Process Shipments

Press this button to ship the open orders that occur between the entered start and end dates with the indicated ship date and order date qualifier.

Validate Parameters

Press this button to select orders to ship based upon the parameters entered above.