OEICS - Inter-Company Quick Ship

Added to NDS Applications, version 7.5.3, 8.1

See Also Programs

In program OEICS, Inter-Company Quick Ship, users can record the shipment of items on inter-company sales orders. In this program, the sales orders are picked by item. When the item number and quantity is entered, the program determines which sales order is being shipped. If there are multiple sales orders for the item, the sales order with the oldest due date will be selected, although this can be overridden by the user.


See Also

Internal Suppliers

Shipping Inter-Company Sales Orders

OEICS Action Buttons


Shipping Inter-Company Sales Orders

1. In the Ship Dt field, enter the date on which the sales orders are being shipped. The default is the system date, but it can be overridden.

2. In the Cust No field, enter the customer number for which you are shipping the inter-company sales orders. Only customers that have been setup as internal customers can be entered here.

3. In the Bol No field, enter the bill of lading number for this shipment.

4. In the Shipvia field, enter the ship via code from program SPSF, Ship Via Code Maintenance, for this shipment.

5. In the middle block, in the Item No field, enter the item number that is being shipped.

6. In the Qty to Ship field, enter the quantity of the item that is being shipped.

7. In the lower block, the quantity shipped and backordered can be maintained for the item.

8. In the Qty Shipped field, the quantity from the middle block will be entered automatically, but it can be changed.

9. In the Qty BO field, the quantity backordered is calculated as the quantity ordered - quantity shipped, but it can be changed.

10. For controlled items, and non-controlled items that are to be shipped from a location other than the default, select the item and press the [Ship Details] button. This allows you to specify the shipping location and control numbers.

11. In the Plant Code field, enter the plant from which the item will be shipped.

12. In the Area field, enter the stock area from which the item will be shipped.

13. In the Bin field, enter the bin location from which the item will be shipped.

14. For lot controlled items, in the Control Number - Start field, enter the lot control number for the items being shipped. The List of Values displays the control numbers that exist in this indicated stock area and bin location.

15. For serial controlled items, you can enter a range of serial control numbers for the shipped quantity.

16. In the Qty Shipped field, enter the quantity to be shipped from the entered location.

17. In the Container field, enter the container in which the items will be shipped. You can enter numbers from 1 to 99 in this field.

18. Press Commit.

19. When all items and shipment quantities have been entered, press the [Process Shipments] button in the header.

20. If you attempt to exit the form without processing the shipments, you will receive an exit alert:

Unprocessed items have been entered. What would you like to do?

Choices are:

OEICS Action Buttons

Process Shipments

The sales order lines will be processed for shipment.

Ship Details

For controlled items, indicate the lot and quantity to ship. For non-controlled items, indicate which location, other than the default, from which you wish to ship items.