OEDI - Sales Order Detail Inquiry

New features added, version 7.5.4, 8.4, 8.5.2

See Also Programs

Program OEDI, Sales Order Detail Inquiry, is used to display details of sales orders. This includes order tracking, comments, line item details, shipping and sales information, and order summary information.

Orders are created with program OQEM, Sales Order Quotation Entry/Maintenance, program OEOE, Sales Order Entry/Maintenance, program ARIE, One Step Invoice Entry, and program OEXP, Fast Order Entry. They can be displayed in this program until they have been processed through program OESJ, Sales Order End of Day and Journal.


Comments Lists of Values

Comments displayed here are sorted according to the OE_COMMENT_SORT parameter in program MURM, Initialization Parameter Maintenance.

The setting of the COMMENT_LOV_OEDI parameter in program MURM, Initialization Parameter Maintenance, determines whether the boilerplate list of values or a field editor will be displayed when the user double-clicks in the comment text field in this program.

See the Comment Lists of Values in Sales Order Entry section for more information.


Querying Sales Order Detail Information

1. The program opens in query mode.

2. Enter the desired query information.

3. Press [Execute Query].

4. To view the sales representatives assigned to the sales order, press the [Sales Reps] button in the header.

To view the sales representatives assigned to each sales order line, select the sales order line and press the [Sales Reps] button in the lower block.

5. To view the customer ship to, sold to, invoice to, and bill to addresses, press the [Addresses] button.

6. To view the ship via, freight, 3rd Party Billing flag and number, FOB, terms, hold codes and complaint code for this order, press the [Order Codes] button.

7. To view the accounts receivable information for this sales order, press the [A/R] button.

8. To view the order summary information, including Misc. charges, deposits, discounts, payments, freight and handling tax information and the carrier, press the [Summary] button.

9. To view sales order tracking information, press the [Tracking] button.

10. To view other details about the sales order header, press the [More Detail] button in the header.

11. To view the pricing information for the selected item, including book, list, quantity, special, and contract prices, press the [Pricing] button.

12. Press the [Ship Details] button to view, for controlled items, the lot and quantity to ship. For non-controlled items, view which location from which the item was shipped.

13. If the line item is a model item or kit item, you can view the component item information by pressing the [Model Details] button.

14. To view reservations for the line item, press the [Reservations] button. This button is displayed both in the lower block and on the [Ship Details] screen.

15. To view the unit of measure conversions, stock and sales, for the selected item, press the [Unit Conv] button.

16. To view more detail about the line items, press the [More Detail] button in the lower block.

17. If the line item is a model item, to view the model configuration tree for the item in program MOCF, Modular Bill Configuration, press the [View Configuration] button.


Copying Sales Orders

1. Query the sales order that you want to copy.

2. Press the [Copy Order] button.

3. The program will display the order information for the selected order.

4. See program OECO, Sales Order Copy, for more information.


OEDI Action Buttons


View the customer ship to, sold to, invoice to, and bill to addresses.


View the accounts receivable information for this sales order.


Press this button to view container contents.

Container List

Press this button to view shipped container information.

Copy Order

Press this button to create a new sales order or quotation by copying an existing sales order or quotation. New orders or quotations can be created from sales orders with any status. See program OECO, Sales Order Copy, for more information.

Model Details

Press this button to view information about the component items of the selected model item.

More Detail

View other details about the sales order.

Order Codes

View the ship via, freight, FOB, terms, and hold codes for this order. You can also view the acknowledgment, ship complete only, pick print, and pack print flags.


View the pricing information for the selected item, including book, list, quantity, special, and contract prices.


Press this button to view the reservations of lot and serial controlled quantities.

Sales Reps

In the upper block, press this button to view sales representatives assigned to the sales order. In the lower block, press this button to assign sales representatives to a line item.

Ship Details

For controlled items, view the lot and quantity to ship. For non-controlled items, view which location from which the item was shipped.


View the order summary information, including extra charges, deposits, discounts, and the carrier.


View order tracking information.

Unit Conv

View the unit of measure conversions, stock and sales, for the selected item.

Update Card Info

On the Payflow Pro Response screen, press this button to update the credit card information for this customer in program CMCM, Customer Credit Maintenance, with this credit card, AVS Address, and AVS Zip.

  User Ref
View user entered reference data for this quotation or order.

Payflow Pro Response image\ebx_1398869658.gif

View the codes sent back from Payflow Pro when the credit card was authorized.

View Configuration

View the model configuration tree for the model item in a query-only version of program MOCF, Modular Bill Configuration.