MUSC - User Security Mainenance

New features, version 7.5.2, 7.5.3, 8.1

See Also Programs


Program MUSC, User Security Maintenance, is used to enter and maintain user security data, including application and program security data for both users and user groups. Security criteria are defined by Application Password.

Synonym users are not granted the privilege to alter the security table HAR_USER.


See Also

Entering User Security Data

Changing Existing Application Passwords

Entering User Security Groups

MUSC Action Buttons


Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Compliance Features for Password Management

When using the Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Compliance Features, when logging into NDS Applications, the system checks to see if the user's password is expired or will expire in a set number of days. If it is, then a message is displayed: "Your password expires on mm-dd-yyyy at hh24:mi". The user can select Change Now to change the password or Change Later to change it at a future time before their password expires. If Change Later is chosen, the menu is displayed.

When the user is changing the password, the new password must be the minimum length defined in program MUSC, User Security Maintenance, for the user. The new password must be different than the previous password and must contain at least one character from each of the four groups: capital letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.


MURM, Initialization Parameter Maintenance

SOX_PASSWORD_COMPLIANCE: Set to Yes to use the SOX compliance features.

SOX_PASSWORD_COUNTDOWN: number of days before the password expiration date for which the user receives a warning that the password will expire. This number should be less than the 'Password is valid for X days' value in program MUSC, User Security Maintenance.


MUSC, User Security Maintenance

For all users, verify the following:

When the Expire Password Now button is pressed, the Change Login screen is displayed to allow you to change the user's password and maintain the Force password change at next login flag.

On Change Login screen, the Force password change at next login flag is set to on automatically and cannot be modified if the SOX_PASSWORD_COMPLIANCE parameter is set to Yes in program MURM, Initialization Parameter Maintenance. When this flag is set to on, the expiration date is set 10,000 days before the current date. The user is then forced to change their password on the next log in.


Entering User Security Data

1. In the User ID Field, enter the operating system log-in.

2. In the Application Password field, enter the application password. This field is encrypted and users cannot view their passwords in this program.

3. The Password Expires On field indicates when this password will expire and a new password must be entered for the user. It will be entered automatically if a value is entered in the Password is valid for __ days field, calculated as the system date + the days entered. It cannot be change manually.

4. In the Password is valid for __ days field, enter the number of days for which this password is valid. The system date when the password was entered + the days entered here determine the Password Expires On date. When a new password is entered for the user, the Password Expires On date is recalculated using the date that the new password was entered.

5. In the Password Minimum Length field, enter the minimum number of characters that can be entered as a password for this user. If a new password is entered with less than this number of characters, a message will be displayed, and the new password will have to have the minimum number of characters before it can be changed.

6. Set the Allow User to Change Password field to the desired setting. If this flag is set to on, the user will be able to change his/her password on the Password screen when logging into NDS using the [Change Login] button. If this flag is set to off, the only the system administrator can change the user's password in this program.

7. To force the user to change his password on the next log in, press the [Expire Password Now] button. The password expiration date is set 10,000 days before the current date. The user is then forced to change their password on the next log in.

8. Enter your Oracle User/Password and connect string.

Example: Oracle user = ndsdemo
Database Password = ndsdemo
Connect string =
Oracle User ID/Password field should read: ndsdemo/

If the Oracle user ID and/or password do not match the application user in program MUSC, User Security Maintenance, Oracle displays the error message:

"ORA-01017: invalid username/password; log-in denied"

If the SQL*NET connect string does not match the application user in program MUSC, User Security Maintenance, Oracle displays the following error message and the Oracle log-on dialog box, where the correct values (as established by the application database administrator) can be entered. This error may also be displayed if there is a problem with the tnsnames file or the TCP/IP protocol implementation on the client. See your system administrator for assistance.

"ORA-12154: TNS: could not resolve service name

If the SQL*NET connect string is not defined in the application user in program MUSC, User Security Maintenance, Oracle displays the error message:

"ORA-03121: no interface driver connected-function not performed

The Oracle user is the user ID written into the transaction records. To create additional Oracle users, grants and synonyms must be used. NDS provides SQL scripts ndsmksyn.sql and ndsgrant.sql to complete the creation of synonyms and grants once the synonym user has been created. Refer to Oracle Server SQL Reference documentation to create Oracle users and NDS Installation documentation for instructions regarding the use of the scripts.

9. In the Employee field, enter the employee number for this user ID. The employee does not have to be entered when the security record is created. Once you have set up your employee records in program LREE, Employee Maintenance, you can return to this program to enter the employee number.

10. In the Unique User ID Code field, enter a unique user-defined value for this security record.

11. In the Organization Code field, enter the organization code for this security record.

12. In the Default Printer Name field, enter the default printer name from program MUPM, Printer Definition Maintenance for this user. This is the printer that appears as the default on the menu for this user.

13. In the Printer Group field, enter the printer group from program MUPG, Printer Group Definitions, that is the default for this user. The users that are assigned to a specific printer group can be viewed with the [Users] button in program MUPG, Printer Group Definitions..

14. Set the User Status pop-list to the desired setting.

15. Setting the Log Menu Activity and enable Auto Job Restarts flag to on, will log menu activity for the user and will display a job restart option upon log in if a job was interrupted for the user.

16. If this user is allowed to maintain drill down definitions and restart jobs, set the Drill Down & Restart Job Administrator flag to on.

17. In the Security User Group field , if the user belongs to a user security group, enter the group.

18. Set the Query Only User flag to on, if this user can only query information in programs, but cannot maintain the information,.

19. In the Default Menu to Display field, enter the default menu to display for this user upon log in.

20. If all programs on the menus are to be displayed, set the Show All Menu Entries flag to on. If only those programs that the user is allowed to run are to be displayed, set the Show All Menu Entries flag to off.

21. If you have user menus set up in program UTUB, User Menu Maintenance, and you want to display a user menu on log in for this user, enter the user menu group in the Personal Menu to Display field.

22. Set the Include/Exclude Application Access pop-list to the desired setting.

23. In the Xephr Roles section, if you are using Xephr for some of your database applications, and you are using external authentication, these are the Xephr Roles that this user is assigned for the Xephr applications.

24. Press [Commit].

25.  Go to the second page of the program to enter the application access for the user.

26. Go to the third page to allow and disallow access for the user to specific programs.

Changing Existing Application Passwords

1. Query the user for which you wish to change the application password.

2.  Press the [Change Login] button.

3. In the Enter New Password field, enter the new password for the user.

4. In the Verify New Password field, reenter the new password for the user. This must be exactly the same as the password entered in the Enter New Password field.

5. Set the Force password change at next login flag to the desired setting. When this flag is set to on, the expiration date is set 10,000 days before the current date. The user is then forced to change their password on the next log in.

6. Press the [Update Login] button to change the user's password.

7. If the passwords do not match, a message will be displayed, and they will have to be reentered.

8. Provided the passwords match and meet the minimum required length, the user's password will be updated with the new value.


Entering User Security Groups

1. Go to page four of the program.

2. Enter the user security group identifier and description.

3. Enter the default menu to display for members of the group upon user log in.

4. Set the Include/Exclude Application Access pop-list to the desired setting.

5. In the lower block, enter the application access for the user security group.

6. Press the [Apply to all members] to apply the applications information in the lower block of the screen to all members of the user security group. This will replace the users' current security information. Any entries on page 2 or 3 without the Personal Permission flag set to on will be overwritten.

7. Go to page five to allow and disallow access for the user security group to specific programs.

8. Press the [Apply to all members] to apply the applications information on page five to all members of the user security group. This will replace the users' current security information. Any entries on page 2 or 3 without the Personal Permission flag set to on will be overwritten.


MUSC Action Buttons

Apply to all members

Press this button to apply the application security information to all members of the user group. This will replace the users' current security information. Any entries on page 2 or 3 without the Personal Permission flag set to on will be overwritten.


Press this button to cancel the user application password change. The user's application password will not be updated.

Change Login

Press this button to open the Change Application Login screen to allow you to change the user's application password.

Expire Password Now

Press this button to force the user to change his password on the next log in. The password expiration date is set 10,000 days before the current date. The user is then forced to change their password on the next log in.

Update Login

Press this button to change the user's application password to the new password entered in the fields on the Change Application Login screen. Provided the passwords match and meet the minimum required length, the user's password will be updated with the new value.